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  REGRETSSS?? COULD IT BE THAT THERE IS TO REGRET IN LIFE? OR DOES EVERYTHING HAPPEN FOR A REASON?   I will start with a brief anecdote, and you will judge. It all started when I found what I said was the love of my life in 2014; everything was rosy and as every love story begins, trips, dedications, and things like that, because of my work I didn't usually spend a lot of time with but the years passed and we decided to form a home; however, the differences became broader and my son arrived, and it was a light of hope for that relationship that did not last long thanks to the distance and the pandemic.   Once everything was forgotten, and after many battles, oblivion and bad times reigned. One day, I do not remember exactly, after a long time apart, I shouldn’t have called her one year ago; if she had a new relationship, her boyfriend could have answered the call, but he didn’t; she was sleeping and didn’t answer my call, jejeje.   If I hadn’t drunk a lot of beers,

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