Today is a great day to make known some anecdotes that have happened to me in the short time of my life, in this case, some things that have always been considered myths over time, but until they happen to you, you cannot verify that they are real.

Let's start by placing in historical context how the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle was discovered.The term was created in the 1950s by various writers who published articles about the presumed dangerousness of the area. However, the surrounding area, especially the coast of the Carolinas, was already known for its numerous shipwrecks, to the point of being called "The Graveyard of the Atlantic."


the first documented mention of the Bermuda Triangle was made in 1950, when Associated Press journalist Edward Van Winkle Jones wrote about some missing ships in the Bahamas area. Jones described ship, airplane, and small boat disappearances as "mysterious."Two years later, in 1952, George X. Sand stated in an article in Fate magazine that "strange marine disappearances" happened in that area.


In 1964, the sensationalist writer Vincent Gaddis (1913–1997) coined the term "Bermuda Triangle" in an article in the American pulp magazine Argosy. 8 The following year, he published the book Invisible Horizons: True Mysteries of the Sea, which included a chapter titled "The Deadly Bermuda Triangle."  

I think Bermudas triangle exist because This mystery might have been reflected in the flights rout and tracks changes the vessel transit to Atlantic Ocean, when I sailed In gloria ship, It is on the command bridge on duty, and we were navigating near the Gulf of Mexico heading towards the United States.

In our navigation chart, we marked the restricted area for calling it where we should change course since I don't know if due to precaution or presumption we should change course.

heading where the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle was located. Do not ask me what I felt because it was a sensation of fear mixed with adrenaline to discover that so much of what has been said for a long time is true. We changed course, and while we did it, I felt a sensation of uncertainty and suspense, like when you see a movie and you want to quickly close the outcome; well, not only me but the entire crew were like that.

In the other hand to finish and not take more time out of their lives, what I can conclude is that the great mysteries of life will always be mysteries because you do not live in your own flesh.

If you ask me at this moment if I believe in the existence of the Bermuda Triangle, I would tell you, "Yes," and if I come back one day, I really hope to do it, and I will tell you in another blog how my second experience was. Cheers to everyone and remember to always look for answers; don't stop at what is a myth; we don't know when you may need that information to act in any circumstance.


